Monday, June 18, 2012

Ad Agency Rethinks Coffee Cup Sleeves As Newspapers

 As BERG rethought the paper receipt, ad agency Y&R Dubai rethought the way people consumed news with coffee for Canadian coffee franchise Tim Hortons and UAE’s daily English newspaper Gulf News.

The agency paired fresh coffee with fresh news by converting the coffee cup sleeves of Time Hortons into ‘Headline News’ Cup Sleeves.

When customers
bought a cup of coffee, the baristas would place the coffee cup sleeve into a special printer.

The printer would pull tweets from the Gulf News Twitter account, and print the latest headline of the hour, with a short URL and QR-Code onto the cup sleeve.

In this way, customers were informed of the latest happenings of the hour.

To read the full story of the headline, they could scan the QR-Code or type in the URL on their mobile devices.



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