Monday, July 23, 2012

A new payments solution that will help small businesses get paid

 – whether they do business online, offline or on mobile. Watch the video below to see how it works...


PayPal Here is the world's first global mobile payments solution that allows small businesses to accept almost any form of payment. The service includes a free app and fully encrypted thumb-sized card reader, which turns any iPhone, and soon Android smartphone, into a mobile payment solution.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

64 Awesome Facebook Marketing Techniques

The deadliest sin of Facebook marketing is being boring. To gain fans’ attention and keep it, marketers need to create novel campaigns, or put a unique spin on familiar techniques. Otherwise, brands’ efforts are largely ignored or used by fans to score free stuff.

What’s the secret to marketing campaigns that garner results? Combine strategies that incorporate Facebook’s viral features.
How? Use this infographic, listing 64 marketing techniques in eight Facebook feature categories. Randomly select one marketing tactic from each category, and combine them for an innovative marketing campaign. 64 Facebook Marketing Strategies by Maria Peagler 


Thursday, July 12, 2012

More than just a distribution company! 

Want to know what we do - Watch our video!